Tuesday, January 19, 2010


My husband and I got married on the spur of the moment(that's a story for later). Neither of us had met hardly any of the other ones family. A week after we were married he was deployed to Iraq for a year. Living so close, I knew that there was NO WAY I could get away with not meeting his family for a year (nor should I have).

My first meeting was with his fathers side of the family. I was really nervous but, I dialed the phone and his grandmother (Memo) answered. She said hello and I replied with "Hi Mrs. Glasscock, this is Melissa." To which she replied "Martha?" "I don't know anyone named Martha." The confusion was most certainly due to the nervous shakiness in my voice. However, we got things straightened out and we talked and set up a time for me to come to her house and meet. WHEW! Here we go I thought. So, I made the hour drive to Earth, TX with one of Tommy's friends(I wasn't going to go alone!) As we pulled into town there was actually a sign that read "Welcome to EARTH!". "Good" I thought, "at least our families come from the same planet." We drove into a neighborhood and pulled up into the driveway in front of a brick house. Memo came to the door and invited us in. I don't remember much of what was said that day but I do remember feeling fairly comfortable (the situation considering). I returned to see her many times that year and felt more and more comfortable with every visit. It wasn't long before I felt like one of the family even without my husband there! As I look back on all those visits that year, I realize how much hospitality, kindness, and pure Christian love it took to make a total stranger feel welcome in her home. For, I was married to her grandson but still a total stranger to her.

My grandmother died last March. Memo called me the day after she died to give her condolences. I made the comment that this grandmother had been my last living grandmother. Without skipping a beat, she replied "I'll be your grandmother." That was the sweetest most comforting thing anyone said to me during that time. Though she can't replace the one I lost she will always be a grandmother to me. I will never forget it and I have to say she has definitely lived up to that promise. I am proud to call her my grandmother and SO glad to have her in my life.
Martha :)

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