Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Early Mornings

For the past few weeks I have been wanting to get up "early" and get things done. That is what moms are supposed to do, right? I'm supposed to get up and pour myself some coffee, workout, get dressed, do my Bible study, make a grocery list and have breakfast ready. I WANT to do it in my head. I WANT to get up and accomplish these things before the kids get up. I just don't. There are millions of reasons excuses it's just a matter of overcoming them.

Today I got up "early" (out of bed at 7). Avery (2 months) woke up at about 6:30 to be fed. I fed her and then she went back to sleep in her bassinett. I laid there and gently rocked it until she was back asleep for sure. The excuses started in my head.

It's cold.

My Bible is in the car.

The coffee isn't done yet.

I might wake Audrey up.

The baby might wake up if I move around too much.

I can do all that stuff at naptime(which is a COMPLETE lie)

On a serious note. I guess what bothers me about this the most is that I am supposed to not only WANT to do it but NEED to do it, and I. don't. want. to!

Proverbs 31:15
She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

Proverbs 31:18b
and her lamp does not go out by night.

SO, basically I am not supposed to sleep!!!! Just joking. I realize that is not what it means. I guess MY translation of this would be that I am supposed to be ready for the day and whatever He brings upon me for that day. I am to work hard at all I do to the best of my ability until the job is done. It's just hard sometimes when you don't want to. That's where the problem starts with discipline. It's HARD.

In our world today, we are always looking for an easy way out. A shortcut of some kind. Everyone wants to make the most money in the least amount of time. We want to "reach the top" the fastest and easiest way. The problem is that He didn't design life to be easy or simple. He designed it in such a way that we would have a HARD time and realize we can't get by without His help. It isn't supposed to be easy or simple it's supposed to be HARD but, it can also be done.

I guess the main question here is this:

Am I doing all I can to better myself and my family? At the end of the day am I happy with my accomplishments or do I feel like I wasted yet another day?

Now, what was I supposed to be doing?


  1. ah, the age old battle with self!!! but you are right on money....He designed it in such a way that we would realize we can't get by without His help...well said.

    What motivates me most mornings is remembering how my day goes when I don't start it with Him!

  2. Be good to yourself. You will have time later on to do all the things you think you should be doing now. Don't drive yourself crazy with "should haves". Enjoy you kids they grow up quickly and these years are golden.
