Friday, January 29, 2010

My Big 3 Year Old

So, Audrey turned 3 today! I can't believe it has already been 3 years since the day she was born. When she was little EVERYONE (including strangers) would say to me "Enjoy it because it goes by fast". I was so.completely.utterly.tired.of hearing that. I thought I would scream when people would say it. Now.....I say it to people. I have become one of the things I hate. It's so true though and we all know it and you can't understand it until it happens. Although raising kids is the hardest thing I will do in my entire life it is completely worth every single trial and tantrum. So Happy Birthday Audrey! We love you so much.

When you were born.

So precious!

So cute!

Your one year birthday.

Your second birthday.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    I've always said it's a mystery of parenting: the days and weeks crawl but the months and years fly!

    Happy Birthday to your still-little one!
