Saturday, January 9, 2010

Project 365-Week 2!

So, for those of you who are following my blog and do not know, this part is called Project 365. I am really excited about this and it is one of my main reasons for starting the blog in the first place. Basically, you take a photo every day for a year. You are supposed to post them once a week (Saturday). I didn't get started last week though so I am starting at week 2. Not a great start but, oh well. Now let's see if I can figure out how to do it.


We went to the new and improved Barnes and Noble in Lubbock.


My two sweet girls. Audrey loves to hold Avery.


Tommy helped me rearrange our bedroom furniture today. This is Audrey "helping".


My kitchen floor being dirty is the biggest pet peeve around my house. Today I actually had time to sweep AND mop for the second time since the baby has been born (she is 7 weeks). GROSS!


Found a disposable camera and let her take pictures. The small joys only a child can enjoy. She played with it ALL day.


Avery is getting so strong and is holding her head up very well if I do say so myself.


It was REALLY cold today. We had to bundle the kids up when we left the house.

The kids get a bath every night (almost). This one was for ME...yes....ME!!! Yippee!

Whew! Done with week two and only how many more to go? For everyone out there my computer is REALLY slow so, it took me over an hour to do this post. It has come to my attention that that means this will be filling up nap time EVERY Saturday for the next year. Might be an even bigger commitment than I thought. :) Now about that bath.....


  1. love the pictures!!! great job. Now come over to my blog later (i don't have mine up yet) and link up so that everyone knows you are participating!!

    oh, when you do a post, at the bottom, right above publish, is Post Options. you could create your P365 post early, upload pictures one day at a time, and just save it. then put the date you want it to post. That might help?

  2. let's not talk about losing weight...I currently have BOTH those cakes in my kitchen..ugh!

    you don't need to add the Mr. Linky on your post. You just click on it on mine and add your blog name there...then people can go right to your blog.

    and yes, your mom can comment. she can set up an account to have her name left or she can just comment anonymously. either way works.

  3. Great pictures! My floors are always a mess - & it's just because I'm too lazy to do them. And don't think it doesn't bother me - it just doesn't motivate me. Sigh.

    Your girls are really cute!

  4. You did a great job this week. Your girls are cute!!!
    And I love to soak in the tub - relaxing !!!!
    I am thankful lmy kitchen floor is dark - seems I can get away with it a little longer.

  5. What a beautiful baby...and my kids hated being bundled up in a car seat too!!

    I am with you on the kitchen floor, but with a new baby around the house you sometimes have to just grin and bear it...or sleep and bear it...ha ha.

    Great pictures


  6. i want to get in THAT want to get in that tub!! Your girls are A.d.o.r.a.b.l.e.

  7. Good job on the photos. Your girls are so cute. I hope you will continue through the year because it will be so fun to watch them growing up.

  8. 1. That's one cool kids' area in the bookstore!
    2. Don't feel bad. I managed to live in this house for nearly TWO years and only mopped once. (My dear husband did it the rest of the time, which wasn't on a regular basis to say the least!) I'm trying to do better...
    3. My daughter has that very same fleece top (with the hearts on it)!! She got it for CHRISTmas.

    (Stopping by from Sara's place.)

  9. Great job!! Love the photos!!
    Thanks for doing this blog...I love seeing pictures of you all!
    Mom #2

  10. Great stuff... I love kids. In my week two I have one photo of a bookshelf reorg. It's quite a job because it's the size of a whole wall! You'll see! LOL I'm still not finished but for now it'll do. Great job on your pix.

  11. I love it . I love it. I love it. I love it.
    Did I mention I love it? Those are the cutest little girls I have ever seen! This blog thing is great for us grandparents. I love you and I am so proud of you. NEENA

  12. Welcome to the world of blogging. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to your 365 pics!

  13. hey, the poem was one that my mom's cousin sent her. it is different than the one your mom sent, but both were great!!

  14. you had mentioned you like the collage...I use Picasa3 that I downloaded from the web. It has tons of things you can do with pictures...I always make my blog header with it, too!
    After you choose the groupings of pics you want for a collage, it helps you build one and you can always edit it, change it, add text to them, etc. LOTS of fun...

  15. Sorry I didn't visit you when you started P 365. welcome!
    Your baby is about the same age as my newest grandson.
    Cute girls, and mommy :)
