Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Fill-ins

1. Pickles really do make a sandwich complete.

2. I always have one more thing to do when I am at home.

3. The snow is really pretty from inside the house.

4.Fall leaves on the trees are the prettiest thing in nature.

5. It's 5:16 PM; that means I should have dinner atleast thought out.

6. A pair of jeans that fit can be hard to find.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to trading Valentine gifts with my husband after dinner, tomorrow my plans include having lunch with the Sartins then heading to Earth and Sunday, I hope to enjoy a relaxing day in Earth and spend some time with Memo!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa-
    I'm Judd Corizan from the meme Sunday Stealing. ( I thought I'd take the time to invite you and all Random Dozen players to join us this and every Sunday. We have a group of great players who participate. We usually post by 3PM Eastern time on Saturdays.

